My name is Wo Meijer
I build stuff* and put it on the internet.
* random mechatronics, 360° video tools, (e)-bikes, design tools, human food interaction things.
Currently a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at the TU Delft, making 360° work for designers.

Tangi: a Tool to Create Tangible Artifacts for Sharing Insights from 360.
Paper that will be presented at TEI 2025 about making 360° content tangible for workshops!
Sphere Window: Challenges and Opportunities of 360° Video in Collaborative Design Workshops.
Paper presented at NordiCHI about how 360° video changes Video Design Ethnography.
Member of the Works Council
As a member of the Works Council (OR) I am responsible for interfacing with the excutive board of the university to champion the rigts of employees. Fighting for social safety and well being for all employees, but especially PhD candidates.
Destructive Feedback
I wrote a paper about how people turning bike seats backwards in the Paris bike share system is a user generated feedback mechanism that should be embraced by designers.
PhD Council Member
As a member of the PhD council I was responsible for organizing events for PhD students at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering as well as acting as the link between the PhD students and the faculty. This included organizing the yearly PhD day, monthly drinks, and putting out fires.
Mentor: Smart Connected Bikes
I was the second mentor for Bent Verhoeff's graduation project: Increasing Empathy Towards Gig Workers Through Communicating Heart Rate Data.
Founder - Delft Improv Group
I founded the largest improv group in Delft. We perform monthly shows and teach workshops to students and professionals. Despite founding it when I was 19 it still goes strong today!
Organizer EmpathICH '23 workshop
One of the lead organizers of the 2023 edition of the Empathy workshop at CHI! Worked to organize the workshop, review submissions, arrrange the program!
Fast Drink: Mediating Empathy for Gig Workers
I wrote a paper about how to use heart rate data to mediate empathy between bike delivery personnel and their customers.